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Sciatica Treatment With Chiropractic

Written By Health For Life Chiropractic on July 22, 2022

runner with sciatica

Sciatica is a painful condition that occurs when your sciatic nerve, which runs down each leg from your lower back to your hips, is compressed. Sciatica can cause persistent pain and muscular weakening if not treated promptly.

Chiropractic care and adjustments relieve various types of back pain, including sciatica. While sciatica pain can be excruciating, chiropractic treatment can help alleviate it naturally and gently.

If the following symptoms persist for more than a week, consult Health for Life Chiropractic in Douglasville, GA:

  • Consistent lower back pain on one side
  • Leg ache that becomes worse when you sit
  • Tingling or burning sensation running down the leg
  • Numbness, difficulties moving the leg
  • A burning or tingling sensation running down your leg
  • Intense pain that makes it hard to stand up

How Does a Chiropractor Treat Sciatica?

There are several ways chiropractors can provide sciatica treatment. Dr. Edmond Hattaway uses spinal manipulations to reposition herniated discs and relieve the pressure on the sciatic nerve. This will help relieve pain, restore nerve signal flow, and provide long-term relief.

Sciatica Treatment at Health for Life Chiropractic Clinic

When providing sciatica treatment, Dr. Edmond Hattaway first determines what is causing sciatica. Then he will propose exercises that will not only prevent sciatic nerve aggravation, but also assist in relieving the pressure caused by inflamed and tight muscles, depending on the cause of your pain.

This guidance can assist you in maintaining the disc's position by strengthening the back muscles. The stronger your back is, the less likely it is that discs may slip and re-pressurize the sciatic nerve. Our adjustment techniques provide long-term relief from sciatica pain.

Schedule a Consultation

Our chiropractic care helps relieve sciatica and improve your lifestyle. Schedule a consultation with us at Health for Life Chiropractic to get on your way to complete recovery. Health for Life Chiropractic is here to answer your questions about what we do and how chiropractors treat pain. Our goal is to alleviate your discomfort and offer you long-term solutions.

If you have any questions, please contact us at (770) 489-0187, or visit our website for more information about our office and services.

Posted In: Chiropractic Sciatica